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Ayurvedagram Bangalore

Lower Backache

Ayurvedic Treatment For Back Pain

Ayurvedic Treatment For Back Pain

Back pain is a health concern that most of us may have to face at some point in time. Whether it’s due to a poor sleeping position or a careless sitting posture, back pain can crop up for a variety of reasons and might as well be aggravated when left unattended. Fortunately, with the right measures, back pain can be eased, managed and even prevented at times. Ayurveda takes a holistic approach towards back pain and focuses on treating it from the root.

There are a number of back pain (Ayurvedic) treatments that a person can consider while looking for solutions. Ayurvedagram offers most of those treatments to individuals seeking relief from back pain.

Lower Back Pain
Symptoms and Diagnosis:

In this modern era and our fast-paced lifestyle, our posture, strained muscles, and inflammation of pelvic joints can cause back pain. This results in aggravated Vata. It can also lead to sciatica which is characterized by radiating pain from the lower back to the backside of either one or both legs.

Back Pain Treatment - Ayurveda: Prevention, Treatment

At Ayurvedagram, we offer a wide range of natural treatments for back pain. Using various herbal medicines, coupled with therapies such as Kati vasti, kaadidhara, local patrapotala sweda, etc, we help alleviate the agitated vayu, eventually offering relief from back pain. Additionally, the administration of medicated enemas for eight, fifteen or thirty days can also provide relief. You can also consider practising mild yoga exercises. Some yoga asanas make great lower back pain treatment in Ayurveda.

Given the wide range of treatment options available, the choice of process depends on the individual’s lifestyle, health habits, and a variety of other factors. Once you pay a visit to the Ayurvedagram retreat in Bangalore, you will be welcomed and your health conditions will be examined by professional Ayurvedic practitioners. This will help us identify the health concerns you are dealing with. Based on this information, we’ll provide you with the most suitable Ayurvedic treatment for lower back pain.

Additionally, you can also practise the following preventive measures about how to keep back pains at bay:

  • Regular back stretching exercises: Exercising keeps us active, boosts our mobility and helps our body organs remain healthy. By doing back stretching exercises on a regular basis, you can ensure that your back is in good health.

  • Avoid sitting idly for long hours: Sitting in the same posture for long hours can give rise to various diseases and back pain is one of the most painful ill-results. Even when you are at work, keep taking short breaks every thirty - forty minutes.

  • Avoid improper seating and lying posture: Amidst the fast paced lifestyles of ours, we often tend to overlook the importance of posture. So often we may find people sitting on a chair as if they didn’t have a backbone. Fortunately, that wasn’t true, but such seating postures are bound to disrupt the natural and optimal positioning and health of your back. So, avoid such postures.

  • Massage therapy: A number of massage therapies ranging from self massage to a medicated massage performed by professionals at the Ayurvedagram retreat can help you improve your back’s condition and also maintain it.

For details regarding Ayurvedagram’s Ayurveda treatment for back pain, get in touch with us via phone or write to us. To explore treatments for back pain in Ayurveda, you can also pay a visit at the Ayurvedagram retreat in Bangalore. We’d be happy to guide you through all the therapy procedures and make sure to provide you the most suitable Ayurvedic treatment for back pain.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain

The Ayurvedic treatment for back pain is focused on many aspects like diet, lifestyle, and herbal remedies. Lifestyle change refers to a change in posture to maintain the natural curvature of the spine and herbal remedies focus on reducing the inflammation in soft tissues and relaxing the supporting musculature. Back pain treatment in Ayurveda involves the following:

  • Bad Posture leads to a reduction in the intervertebral joint space causing an Imbalance of Vata which is corrected through the administration of herbal medications orally as well as detoxifying using Panchakarma. Enema is used to correct the Vata imbalance and this also strengthens the bones and joints, thereby reducing back pain.

  • Abhyanga (massage done by warm medicated oil) is an Ayurvedic treatment for back pain that provides relief from back pain by balancing the doshas. Kati Vasti is also another Ayurvedic method of treating lower back pain.

  • Practicing Pranayama can be helpful in balancing Vata dosha. Anulom viloma or alternate nostril breathing can be helpful in balancing Vata.

  • It is recommended to avoid refrigerated food and drinks and to consume only warm, sour, and salty foods to pacify vitiated Vata.

  • Agnikarma is also an Ayurvedic treatment for back pain and it is the use of thermal microcautery where an instrument known as Agnikarma Shalaka is used to heat specific areas to provide relief from pain. Practicing Pranayama can be helpful in balancing Vata dosha. Anulom viloma or alternate nostril breathing can be helpful in balancing Vata.

  • Ayurveda recommends the use of herbs like Guggul, Nirgundi, Shallaki, and Ginger to treat back pain.

  • Ayurveda recommends the use of herbs like Guggul, Nirgundi, Shallaki, and Ginger to treat back pain.

  • Suffering from back pain in spite of conventional treatments? The ayurvedic treatments at Ayurvedagram can help you experience relief with the support of natural formulations and expert practitioners.


    1. What is the fastest way to get relief from back pain?

    In general, bad posture while sitting, standing, walking, or even while lying down is the number one reason to develop back pain. Although Ayurvedagram’s Ayurvedic treatment for back pain can help decrease discomfort, it’s vital you follow the prevention guidelines mentioned in the blog to prevent back pain.

    2. Which Ayurvedic oil is used in lower back treatment?

    There are various medicinal oils prepared by using powerful herbs and other organic ingredients that work vigorously to alleviate back pain without any side effects. These include:

    • Mahanarayan oil has analgesic and rejuvenating properties and penetrates deep into the skin to enhance blood circulation, relax sore muscles, and eliminate toxins.
    • Dhanwantharam oil works to rid the body of toxins and boosts circulation while relieving the numbness of the back muscles

    3. What is the best treatment for lower back pain?

    You can bet on Ayurvedic treatment for back pain that is offered at Ayurvedagram in Bangalore that is holistic and delivers optimum results when combined with the right diet. Treating back pain in Ayurveda involves the following procedures: The intervertebral joint space that causes back pain is treated with herbal supplements orally. Herbal oils and supplements are ingested via the anorectal passage that soothes and strengthens the colon area, including the bones and joints. A warm medicated herbal oil is used to deliver a massage called Abhyanga to help maintain the optimal levels of the Doshas related to lower back pain. Pranayama along with Anulom Viloma is practiced to help bring the Vata Dosha to its optimal level forming a vital part of the intervertebral joint space. Agnikarma incorporates the use of thermal micro cautery, including an instrument called Agnikarma Shalaka to apply heat to specific points in the lower back.

    4. How can I cure my lower back pain?

    You can help manage lower back pain by indulging in the holistic practices of Ayurvedic therapies combined with dietary changes and lifestyle modifications. Your food should be fresh and hot or warm and can include sour and salty foods to soothe the Vata. Avoid consuming refrigerated foods and beverages, and reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption. Consult an Ayurvedic physician to understand more about the cause of your back pain.

    5. How should I sleep with lower back pain?

    Your sleeping position influences your lower back pain, and a correction in the sleeping position is quite effective in treating the condition.

    • Sleep on your side with a pillow between the knees for support
    • Sleep on your side in a fetal position by curling up your knees to your chest that opens your joints and where the spine doesn’t curve backward
    • Sleep on your back with a pillow placed below your knees for support
    • Sleep on your stomach and place a pillow below your hips for support
    Moreover, if you are looking for an effective and holistic way of managing your back pain, contact us at Ayurvedagram for the best-in-class Ayurvedic treatment for back pain.

    Reach out to us to know more.
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