+ 91 81238 73344/ +91 98450 71990



The time-honoured science of Ayurveda believes that the accumulation of ama or metabolic toxins is the causative factor of diseases. Panchakarma treatment, or the five purificatory therapies, offers a comprehensive cleansing of the body that facilitates restoring the body's innate balance and healing from within.

What is Panchakarma?
Panchakarma translates to five purificatory therapies that purify the body by eliminating the accumulated toxins. It encompasses five major therapies, customised according to the individual's health condition. The Panchakarma treatment involves three stages: Purvakarma (Preparatory phase), Pradhanakarma (Main stage) and Paschat karma (Post Therapeutic Care). The benefits of Panchakarma treatment include:

  • Purifies the body by eliminating toxins.
  • Speeds up metabolism, aiding in weight reduction.
  • Strengthens the digestive fire (Agni).
  • Opens up blocked channels in the body.
  • Provides relaxation for the mind and body.
  • Rejuvenates the body's tissues.
  • Boosts immune strength and relieves stress.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment at Ayurvedagram

Experience the benefits of Panchakarma treatment at Ayurvedagram, the renowned centre in Bangalore. Panchakarma aids in metabolism, blood purification, and stress reduction, leading to weight loss, glowing skin, healthier hair, and a calmer mind. The therapy cleanses channels of secretion and excretion, optimising the movement of lymph, hormones, blood, and neural activity. It removes dead skin cells, giving you a fresh look. At Ayurvedagram, you will undergo authentic Kerala-style Panchakarma therapies to help you heal and rejuvenate from all your agonies in a luxurious, nature-inspired location. After careful assessment, the Ayurvedic physician creates a customised treatment plan to suit the need of the individual.

The Purvakarma is done to increase the digestive fire and accumulate the toxins in the alimentary canal. It may include procedures like:

  1. Deepana-Pachana- Intake of appetite-enhancing herbal formulations helps improve digestion and enhance appetite. Common herbal formulations that contain herbs like black pepper, ginger, ajwain etc., are given to boost the metabolism.
  2. Snehana (intake of herbal ghee or oil massages)- Snehana is the use of oils and medicated ghees to lubricate and mobilise the accumulated toxins towards the Gastrointestinal tract to help in easy elimination during the Panchakarma. External Snehana or oil massages help to relax the muscles and improve circulation. The oil is chosen according to the condition of the individual. In internal snehana, the individual is given herbal ghees or oils to drink. This lubricates the body channels and facilitates the easy movement of toxins during purificatory therapy.
  3. Swedana (Sweat therapy)- Swedana or sweat therapy is exposure to heat to induce sweating. This helps in mobilising the toxins loosened by Snehana therapy and also helps eliminate toxins by sweating. It also relieves stiffness of joints and Kapha dosha imbalances.

At Ayurvedagram, we include Kerala-style Purvakarma therapies like Pizhchil, Dhara, and Elakizhi and localised therapies like Kativasti, Shirovasti, etc. This stage usually lasts for about 4-5 days.

After the Purvakarma, the individual undergoes a customised set of Pradhanakarmas. The individual will experience one or more of these therapies according to his health condition. Here are the five therapies:

  • Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)
  • Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
  • Vasti (Medicated Ayurvedic enema)
  • Nasya (Nasal instillation of medicated oils or powders)
  • Raktamokshana (Therapeutic bloodletting)

Paschat Karma
The Paschat karma is the stage after detox, where the focus shifts to modifying lifestyle and dietary habits as per your physician's advice. It includes consuming prescribed oral medications for rejuvenation (Rasayana).

You can experience comprehensive cleansing and detoxification through Panchakarma treatment at our centre in Bangalore. The panchakarma treatment cost in Bangalore varies based on the treatment purpose and duration. Contact us to know more.

Experience the benefits of Panchakarma treatment at Ayurvedagram, the renowned centre in Bangalore. Panchakarma aids in metabolism, blood purification, and stress reduction, leading to weight loss, glowing skin, healthier hair, and a calmer mind. The therapy cleanses channels of secretion and excretion, optimising the movement of lymph, hormones, blood, and neural activity. It removes dead skin cells, giving you a fresh look.

Ayurvedagram is all about providing a blissful healing experience to restore your well-being and liberate you from pain and aches. Along with Internal Ayurveda Medicines, Panchakarma therapies, Yoga and Pranayama, the serene atmosphere at Ayurvedagram will enhance the innate healing powers of our body, fading away the worries of the outer chaotic world, leaving you refreshed and pain-free.

Helpline - +91 9845071990
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