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Beauty Treatment

Head Massage (Shiroabhyanga)

A head massage not only offers sensory pleasures but also stimulates hair follicles and improves blood circulation in the scalp. It’s a great stress-buster after a busy week at work, and depending on the choice of oil, a head massage may reduce the symptoms of migraine, calm your tense nerves, promote relaxation and improve your sleep. Recommended in ancient Ayurvedic texts, a gentle head massage with oil may prevent issues like hair thinning, hair loss and other hair-related problems. The duration of an Ayurvedic scalp massage is anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes and is recommended once every two weeks.

Ayurvedic Face Massage (Mukhabhyangam)

Lack of proper care and nourishment can make your skin look dull and dry over time. Ayurvedic face massage can rejuvenate your skin and bring back your natural, youthful glow. Mukhabhyangam is a gentle face and neck massage that is performed using specialised techniques and Ayurvedic oils based on your skin type. In addition to its beauty benefits, Mukhabhyangam involves applying gentle pressure to the three magic spots, which are temples, around the eyes and behind the ears. This can help by sending a soothing sensation to the brain, which in turn, promotes relaxation and improves blood circulation.

Herbal Face Pack (Mukhalepam)

Mukhalepam is an Ayurvedic beauty treatment that includes an oil based face massage, followed by a face pack application. The herbal face pack is formulated with various Ayurvedic ingredients for skin rejuvenation. Regular application of herbal face packs may also prevent pigmentation and reduce wrinkles. As a result, your skin looks naturally young and radiant. One of the best beauty treatments for the face, Mukhalepam calms your stressed muscles while you lie down with your eyes closed. The whole procedure takes around 45 minutes, including preparatory massage, face pack application, cleansing and moisturizing.

Herbal Body Pack (Twak Prasadanam)

Relax your body with a soothing oil massage followed by a body pack application that is made of herbs for skin nourishment and detoxification. Other benefits include scar reduction, skin softening and natural skin brightening. The procedure starts with gentle kneading along the energy channels to release muscle tension in your neck, back and shoulders. After applying lepam all over the body, the banana leaves are wrapped around the skin to retain the warmth.

Ayurvedic Hair Care

Hair loss, dandruff and patchy scalp are some of the common health issues that have plagued men and women across the world. While premature hair loss is sometimes chalked up to genetic behaviour, dandruff and other scalp conditions may be a result of pollution, hard water or poor dietary habits. However, Ayurveda has answers to all these problems. Using herbal oil and juices to moisturise and massage your scalp can strengthen the roots, remove dandruff and improve the overall health of your scalp. This Ayurvedic hair-care procedure nourishes your hair and restores shine, and it works best when applied after herbal hair pack.

Ayurvedic Body Care Programme

It’s a holistic wellness programme focused on skin toning and deep nourishment through traditional body polishing and scrubbing techniques. Whether it’s a teenage related skin care concern or something caused due to fatty and oily diet, skin care treatments at the Ayurvedagram can help you get clearer skin, helping diminish the impact of acne and scars.

Ayurvedic Beauty Treatment

Beauty is more than skin deep according to Ayurveda. It is the most obvious external manifestation of your overall well being. It is a mirror of your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Beauty care i.e., caring and maintaining the beauty that one is born with was one of the first body care initiatives undertaken by civilized humans. We still do. At Ayurvedagram we help you take the initiative in this regard with traditional herbal treatments like medicated Lepam, localized Abyangam and other classical modes of beauty enhancements. Experience the time-tested procedures, which are tailored to modern day requirements, lift you to a new high.

This package covers customized procedures for hair care, skin care, etc.

Ayurvedic beauty treatment in India, Bangalore