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Gandusha Kriya in Ayurveda: Everything You Need to

Gandusha Kriya in Ayurveda: Everything You Need to Know

Do you suffer from bad breath? Have you experienced problems like tooth decay and other dental problems? If so, then the reasons for this could be poor dental hygiene. Normal brushing may help in dental hygiene but it cannot ensure the effective cleaning of oral cavity. The Gandusha Ayurveda method helps to improve oral health, and can even help curb bad breath.

What is Gandusha Kriya?

Gandusha Kriya is commonly known as oil pulling. It is a practice that has been followed in India for hundreds of years. The practice finds mention in ancient Ayurvedic texts. It has been recommended as one of the practices to help improve oral health. Apart from India, it is also being followed worldwide now.

The practice involves the use of an oil that is swished in the mouth around the teeth, gums, and cheeks. This swishing is done for a specified period of time. The concept behind Gandusha in Ayurveda is that the oil when swished in the mouth pulls toxins from the mouth into the oil. Once the swishing is complete, the oil needs to be spit out. This helps reduce toxins from the mouth, enhances appetite, strengthens teeth and gums and provides other health benefits.

How is Gandusha Kriya Different from Kavala?

Oil pulling has been described as Gandusha by the great Ayurveda practitioners Sushruta and Vagbhata. Another legendary Ayurvedic expert Charaka has termed oil pulling as Kavala or Kabala. There is a significant difference between these two practices:

  • Both Gandusha and Kavala involve the use of oil, decoction for cleaning oral cavity.
  • While Gandusha is done using a larger quantity of oil, Kavala makes use of a smaller quantity of oil.
  • In Gandusha, since the oil used is in higher quantity, it cannot be kept in the mouth for a long time. There is no movement of the liquid inside the mouth and needs to be spitted out after a few seconds. In Kavala, a small quantity is kept in the mouth and swished for at least 15 to 20 minutes before spitting it out.
  • The main difference apart from the time is that in Gandusha, the oil is swished around the mouth. In Kavala, the oil is kept in the mouth and then gargled before spitting it out.
  • Kavala is a single procedure that can be done at home. Gandusha has different types and some of them are done at Ayurvedic centres under supervision.

Gandusha Benefits and Significance

The significance of Gandusha Kriya is that it is a traditional and time tested way of helping to maintain oral health. Your visits to the dentist for teeth whitening and treating decay can be reduced by doing Gandusha. It can become a part of your daily regiment and you can experience multiple benefits by doing it daily.

Gandusha offers multiple benefits when done in the right way:

  1. It helps to maintain good oral hygiene. It helps keep the teeth and gum clean. The swishing of the oil helps ensure any food particle debris lodged in the teeth is dislodged and is expelled out when the oil is spit out.

  2. The Gandusha oil has antibacterial properties and helps to kill bacteria in the mouth. It is the bacteria that causes decay and various other problems. It works just like mouthwash but instead of using chemicals, it uses a natural plant-based oil that is safe.

  3. Gandusha can be more effective than brushing. The brush cannot reach the corners of the teeth. When you practice oil pulling, the oil would reach every corner of the teeth. It is thus more effective and helpful than normal brushing when done in the right way.

  4. It helps to strengthen the gums. It also helps to remove plaque.

  5. Sinus infections and other bacterial infections cause a sore throat. Gargling is a proven technique to reduce pain. Gargling with an antibacterial oil helps ensure that the symptoms of sore throat can be managed better.

  6. The main reason for doing Gandusha is to help reduce toxins from the mouth. When the toxins are removed, it can cause sweating which proves that the procedure is working well.

  7. Regularly doing Gandusha can help in strengthening the facial muscles. This helps in preventing flabby cheeks.

  8. This helps ensure that toxins do not affect digestion, thus helping in better digestion.

  9. Gandusha kriya helps keep your mouth fresh.

  10. It is believed that practicing Gandusha can help in whitening teeth. It can work as a helpful natural teeth whitener.

How is the Gandusha Kriya Process Carried Out?

There are different Gandusha types that you need to know about:

  1. Snigdha or Snehana Gandusha uses herbal oils that help nourish and lubricate the oral cavity.

  2. Shamana Gandusha helps to manage various dental problems. It uses herbal oils that can help reduce Dosha imbalance.

  3. Shodhana Gandusha uses different substances to help manage the oral cavity.

  4. Ropana Gandusha provides a helpful healing effect. Ulcers in the mouth can be helped to be managed with this process.

Gandusha Kriya is done as follows:

  1. It is best done early morning before eating or drinking anything.

  2. Sesame, mustard, or sunflower oil can be used. One to two tablespoons can be put in the mouth.

  3. Swish around the teeth, gums, tongue, and sides of the mouth. Do this for around 5 minutes.

  4. Once you are finished spit out the oil. It is very important to spit the oil out and not swallow it.

  5. Rinse the mouth with warm water. You can then brush your teeth, floss, and use a tongue cleaner as usual.

Gandusha Kriya at Ayurvedagram

Ayurvedagram is an Ayurvedic centre that has excellent facilities and offers a range of Ayurvedic treatments. Patients visit this centre to help manage their health problems. During the treatment, Gandusha kriya can be done to help improve oral hygiene. The treatment is done under supervision of Ayurvedic experts. If you want to experience the positive effects of Gandusha, then you can book an appointment at Ayurvedagram. You can get more details about this treatment and how it is administered when you meet the doctor at this centre. Contact us now!